Thursday, December 11, 2014

Emmabelle Sings in her School's Talent Show

Emmabelle was 7 yrs old when she came home from school with a neon yellow flyer she received from her teacher and it read "Wildcat Talent Show"...She was so excited.  Emmabelle had been wanting to sing in front of her school and in front of her church for a while
now and literally chickened out every time bc she was so afraid of messing up or her classmates laughing or even people thinking that she sounded awful.  First let me start by saying that my sweet little Emmabelle can sing her booty off!  Her Daddy and myself were blessed with the gift...and she comes from a line of singers given who her family is.  Not
Just sing.  Emmabelle can belt it out!  She sings all the time...shower,van and especially in church.  Her Papa, who is her Pastor, at her church...says it's one of his favorite things about Praise & Worship service...bc she stands right next to him...he loves to listen to her sing on Sunday mornings.
Anyways, when my curly little sweaty blonde got off the bus that day...she had that flyer in her hand and said "Momma...I really wanna do this!"...I told her ok and she made me sign the form right then and there bc that's just how she is...everything has to be done or she will stress and worry over it.  
That night on the way to gymnastics we were going over what sings she could sing.  And how she would look and of course Emma was already starting to wonder who all was signing up & what they would be doing.  After a few days...I suggested she sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Katherine McFey.  Emma was going through her Dorothy phase and was just her at Halloween a few months past so I said "And you could dress as Dorothy while you sang it!"....Her eyes lit up and she said "Yes Momma...that's it!...Let's do it"...but then quickly asked if she could sing with the track.  I said "No's a Talent Show!  You need to sing live with your real voice.  Not sing along with someone."....then it hit.  Complete & total anxiety.  She was done.  I saw it all over her.  I try not to entertain it at times bc I do not want her to learn to use it against me when she gets older (you know what I mean...teenage girls are AWESOME!  lol)...But, as the days went by I had ordered the track and the song off iTunes & she sang her little heart out in the van, in the kitchen, in the shower and everywhere there was a iPod plug or CD player.  She knew it.  A few days later there was the practice for the talent show!  Omg!  My Emmabelle didn't sleep the night before.  She got up randomly and used the bathroom bc anxiety always gives her a upset stomach.  It was during school so parents were not allowed to go so she was on her on.  Emma said that there were 12 contestants.  One of which was her best friend and cousin.  Emma was so nervous.  She said she did not sing the song by herself & that she used the track.  Her words were "Momma...I totally freaked out!"...right then I knew in order for Emma to sing with the track she was going to have to hear my voice while on stage.  I know my child.  I knew she would freak.  Being only 7 yrs old..I just knew this so I calmed her and told her she could follow my voice for the track.  That somehow I would make her hear it softly.  That weekend was the Talent show.  Her family was there, some of the kids from school and people walking in from the carnival that was outside.  I scanned the room for the stage and then saw the curtain which was less than 10 ft away from the stage where the microphone would be.  I remember saying out loud "Oh Thank You Jesus!!!"...Emmabelle was in the dressing room in her blue and white checkered dress & red ruby shoes along with the braids and basket Dorothy was famous for.  She looked absolutely adorable!  I watched her as she talked with her friends and I noticed she was laughing...she saw me and came over and hugged me saying "Thank you for dressing me like Dorothy.  Everyone likes it".  I said "No problem.  Of course I did!!!"...then I told her about the curtain & that I would be right behind her singing softly so she could follow my voice and a gush of relief fell over her.  It was showtime.  I told her to look in her basket...She pulled out a white piece of paper that said "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"...she looked at me and kissed me and a small tear came down her cheek.  I said "You got this girl!  Just do your best.  I will be right here"... 
She went on the stage...they gave her the microphone and my stomach dropped inside my feet!!  I was nervous?!?  Oh geez..but I started singing very softly to where she could only hear me so stay on couldn't hear the words...then my Emmabelle started singing with her chest voice and started belting!  I stopped singing and she took it all by herself!  I sat behind that curtain listening to my baby sing this song just redone by Katherine McFey in American Idol and my sweet, nervous Emmabelle was giving it all she had.  When she belted the final note then hit the ending so softly...I cried.  Then I heard my Mom scream "Whoo Hoo...yeah baby girl!" And her Daddy yelling "Great job Em!...yeah!"... Then I returned & sat and watched the remaining contestants.  Her cousin did a cute lil dance to a Justin Beiber song which was adorable!  I was happy about that...then they called all the contestants to the stage and gave trophies to the top 3.  3rd place went to a boy who showed us his karate moves in his suit and everything.  It was super cute! 2nd place went to our cousin and Emma's best friend....and 1st place & winner of the Wildcat Talent Show went to my sweet EMMABELLE!!!!  She won the talent show!!  Bless her little heart as she stood on that stage...she was so happy and proud of herself.  I was crying. Yes, happy bc she won!   Who doesn't want to win?!?  But proud that she overcame her nerves and believed in herself that she didn't need to hear me!  She sang it all by herself in front of everyone.  That trophy still sits on her shelf even now going on 11 yrs old.  I love that baby.  I'll never forget that day.  The day I stopped singing.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Emmabelle got a purple purse

My sweet little beautiful Emmabelle.  I was so excited when I found out I was having a little girl.  I was already a Mother to a 4 yr old son so the thought of having one of each was exactly what my husband and I wanted.  I was expecting a dark Italian brunette with a fierce attitude and tough little cookie just like her Momma.  What I got was more than I ever knew was possible.  Her honey blonde curls and golden skin still makes me look twice at this child that I created this perfect little piece of heaven.  She looked just like her Daddy.  They both share these dark brown eyes that makes you just want to love and snuggle with all day.  Emma Isabelle is her name but I nick named her, Emmabelle.  My husband fell in love.  They went everywhere together.  Unlike my son, Nathan, she was a Daddy's girl and the world all of a sudden stopped and started revolving around her.  One thing I noticed at a early age is she would get so nervous about things and worry herself silly over upcoming activities she was involved in.  Emmabelle is 10 yrs old at this moment and a daughter any Mother would be proud to have.  I do not know if I will ever truly understand why she worries, stresses and doubts herself given how truly special and talented she actually is.  If only she could see herself through my eyes.  She would know how amazing and perfect she is no matter what situation she is in.  Emmabelle worried about her first day of Kindergarden at her brother's school for 6mths.  She needed to know the bus route, what desk she would sit in, would bullies pick on her, would she be able to bring her own lunch in case she did not like what they served.  Who was in her class, how long would she be there, did she have to take a nap and who would hold her blanket during class so it didn't get dirty.  All kinds of things that most 5 yr olds couldn't even fathom bc they are thinking about recess and finally getting to ride a school bus.  Emmabelle could not sleep the few nights before her very first day of school.  She had her uniform, school supplies, shoes, hair bow and book sack all laid out and packed days before.  She is a competitive gymnast at LSU.  She has been in gymnastics for 7 yrs.  She has always been so graceful that people stop and watch those lines and technique.  Confidence in herself to not fall and fail has always hindered her from living out her true potential.  It's like she held her own self back.  The day she won her very first gold medal was a moment I will never forget.  She won gold on the floor exercise and became a true force to be reckoned with on certain events.  No one could beat her on Floor & was always in the top 3-5 on beam.  She started winning some events on bars as well.  Vault is her weakest event.  She isn't one of those power gymnasts.  She probably should of been a ballerina given her body type and grace.
I started to worry about her anxiety and decided to figure out a way to encourage her to believe in herself.  Not to doubt or cry bc she is afraid of failure.  Being raised in church my entire life and Marrying the handsome Preachers son of my church...a scripture always stuck out to me and I always used it when the storm arises and you have to find that inner strength to walk through the fire and ce
Out on top.  So I had a idea.  Since my Emmabelle knows the word and believes in the Holy Bible...and most importantly has Jesus in her heart...I could use that to help control her fear and anxiety.  I went to the mall and found this purple little purse that was just perfect for her size.  I thought, it's LSU purple, and little did I know this purple satin purse would change her life.  Anytime Emmabelle had a competition, I would skip a little white sheet of paper with my favorite scripture written on it.  It read "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"...Phillipines 4:13
She pulls it out whenever she gets afraid or nervous and it gives her back the confidence she needs bc she knows God would never fail her.  I have taught her that it is okay to fail but it's not okay to never try because you are afraid to fail.  There are so many stories over the years that I am going to share and I hope one day a little girl suffering with the same fears and worries can pull out a piece of paper from her purple purse and read that scripture and it brings belief and confidence into her heart.  Emmabelle Can do anything she sets her heart to do because if she tries, believes, trusts and never gives up...The sky is the limit.